My home in Genoa for the next 4 months...

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Churches, Boats, Pigeons, and Italians

Every Tuesday, our tour guide Giuditta takes on a full day studio trip somewhere. We take our sketchbooks, cameras and lunches and head out for a day of learning, site seeing, and history. Yesterday was our first Field Study Day and we spent it learning about Genoa because our first project consists of designing for the Port of Genoa so it made sense to learn more about the history of how it got the way it is and plans for the future. 

Left: A very old church in Genoa

Right: Italian architecture that played with idea of Persepective and how it is perceived

We visited numerous Piazzas and the churches they faced. For lunch, we ate our proschiutto and pesto sandwiches around the fountain of Piazza Ferrai... a beautiful fountain filled with Italians at lunchtime taking their break to eat and catch up with friends. 

Fountain (Palazza di Ferrai)

After lunch, we took a good long tour around the harbor. Considering this is the focal point of our project for the next week, we've been to this point a few times around.  The funny thing is... our tour guide, Giuditta was pooped on by a pigeon a few minutes into one of her speeches standing under the main bridge! Talk about hilarious! And trying not to laugh while people helped her was not an easy thing to do! Anyways... we took a boat tour around the harbor to see the industrial and commercial use of the harbor. 

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