My home in Genoa for the next 4 months...

Friday, September 10, 2010

Projects, Reviews, and Trips... Oh my!

It's been a busy past week here in Genova. Our final project Review for project 1 was on Wednesday so there were some late nights/ all nighters leading up to the review. But, I'll never get tired of that amazing feeling you get after a review goes really really well. It doesn't seem to matter how EXHAUSTED you are before/during the review, the moment you're done presenting and being critiqued, a new wave of ENERGY comes over you! It's like your eyes immediately open again, the dark circles that have become tattooed under your eyes and your shower-less hair all return to normal again. Ok... that may be a little dramatic, but it was a GOOD feeling on Wednesday night around 6:00.

Here are a few pictures from our project. It was a redesign of the Palazzo near the Genoa Harbor.

Left: A redesign for the ticketing office for the aquarium. Would turn into a seating for movie.

Below: New stores, seating, canopies above tunnel.

So to celebrate and get out a bit (it had been a few days) a few girls and I decided to go out for some apperitivo's. Those are a great thing here in Italy- you order a drink and they bring appetizers "for free" with the drink. We ordered drinks, ate some good Italian food, and laughed until our throats were responding painfully from all the laughing! We headed home and called it a night. Not much has gone on since then, which I consider a nice break!

We had sketching class yesterday, then a few of us went out for a shopping break after that and before dinner. Then last night we watched a movie together (a few of us from studio) on a projector in the classroom since there is no tv here at the villa! We watched Catch Me If You Can. It's actually a really nice atmosphere here in Genova- since you live with all of your studio friends, you become really close in a small amount of time. So we watched a movie, shared a bottle of wine, and bread with nutella... does it get much better?

This morning was Italian Rationalism class- pretty interesting again, but going to bed around 2:30 last night was not the brightest idea before this class! Oh well... I made it through! And even better... today is Vanessa's Birthday!! So tonight we are going to dinner and dancing out in Genova somewhere- we received a few tips on good places by our travel guide Giuditta! And then it's an early morning at 6 am as we leave the villa to head to the Genova Principe train station.... we're headed to Basel Switzerland, then Germany to visit the Vitra Campus, and back to Luzern, Switzerland then Verona and Vicenza, Italy on the way home. We will be gone from Saturday morning until we arrive back in Genoa around 8 pm on Sunday night. I'm highly looking forward to this trip! Isn't God amazing... I still can't believe I'm here!

Well I need to begin my packing for the trip tomorrow because we have a busy night tonight! I love and miss you all!

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